Circle City Connect's (CCC) mission is to foster relationships among young community members and empower growth through learning, socializing, and volunteering. This December the CCC is throwing the inaugural Circle City Connect Snow Globe Soirée. While the event focuses on networking with other young community members, proceeds from ticket sales will be given to the MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Society.
The event coordinators wanted to incorporate a silent auction into this event, but are unable to do so due to time constraints at the venue. However, they are looking for silent auction items for a future fundraising event. Any artistic creations are welcome, and artists will receive a portion of the auction price as payment for the art, with the remaining proceeds benefiting the charity (to be determined).
Please send an email to to offer your art for a future silent auction.
You can find out more information about CCC by checking these out: Circle City Connect Website
Facebook: CircleCityConnect
Instagram: CircleCityConnect
Twitter: c3_indy